New Moon In Aquarius Collection
to plan big goal, make impactful strong energy! sharpens intuition and see things in a new pers...
Essential Oil
其中一種令人感到溫暖幸福的方法去提升生活質素是用芳香精油和按摩油,時刻得到大地母親,大自然帶給我們的禮物!5ive.d 的精油是特別為身心靈增長平衡而挑選的!有別我們所認識精油的用法效果! Ar...
Grounding - what does it mean exactly? we are using this word so often now! What's the definition...
Gemstone - Pink Tourmaline
Gemstone - Fluorite
Gemstone - Hypersthene
From $280.00
Abalone Shell (L size) for Smudging
Copper leave incense tray
From $60.00
Sage Bundle 鼠尾草
From $70.00
Gemstone - Kunzite (chakra 4,)
What is 5ive.d? 什麼是5ive.d?
5ive.d (5D) is not a place or location, but a level of consciousness that vibrates at different frequency. Each dimension vibrates at a higher rate than the one below. Each higher dimension exists a clearer, wider perspective of reality, a greater level of knowing. Higher dimension consciousness allows us to experience freedom, more opportunities to create reality.