Sage Bundle 鼠尾草
This particular sage is collected from the Sierra Nevada, California. It is named the “Range of Light” Or more accurately “Range of Multidimensional Light”
Inherited the high vibrational frequency of this majestic mountain, the sage is highly sacred and powerful to clean and to protect!
White Sage, is a Natives Tribal plant, grows on high desert ecosystems and predominantly in California.It is a sacred, cleansing, purifying, and protective plant, sage is typically burned to release any heavy, negative energy within a space and turn it into good, positive energy.
In situation where we want to safeguard the quality of our home air from unnecessary chemical pollutants, whether it is bad air from the street, or cleaning detergent, there is an ancient way to purify the bacteria in the air! It is to burn sage! Research shows that burning sage with the smoke for an hour, kills about 94% germs and is still effective the next day!
Smudging Herb measures approximately 4" in length, and would make the perfect gift for those who love incense, burning herbs and candles.
這些鼠尾草是由內華達山脈而來,是一條縱貫美國加利福尼亞州東部的山脈。又名為 「光之山脈」最貼切的是 「多次元光之山脈」,帶著山脈高震頻的轉動,這些鼠尾草可發揮極理想的能量清理和保護。
白色鼠尾草是印第安部落的植物,是一種原產於高沙漠生態系統的植物,主要生長在加利福尼亞州 它是神聖,潔淨,淨化和保護植物,鼠尾草通常被燃燒以釋放空間內的任何重負能量。
another option is the White Sage Incense Stick 15g , please check here for details