Star Child Virgo Space Aroma 5ml
當太陽進入處女座時,收穫就在我們身上。必須收集和整理本季的果實 - 那些保存良好的果實必須保存,醃製,乾燥,磨成麵粉或冷凍,並且它們都需要貼上標籤和標記。處女座的人喜歡把事情整理得井井有條,以免被大量無法放置的東西所淹沒。
24th August - 22nd September
When the sun enters Virgo harvest is upon us. The fruits of the season must be collected and sorted out - those that are good to keep must be preserved, pickled, dried, ground into flour or frozen, and they all need to be labelled and marked.
Virgo likes to keep things organised, lest it gets overwhelmed by a flood of items it can't place. It is a detail orientated sign, very particular, nit-picking even, about its sorting job. It has a keen eye for any flaws and is quick to point them out, but finds it hard to give or accept praise.
Virgo's biggest mistake is to judge the rest of the world against the same standard she sets for herself, for it will inevitably result in disappointment. Virgo also signifies the healer. Her keen eye determines the harmful influences that lead to disease. It is not a sentimental sign and has no qualms about speaking the truth, even if it is uncomfortable or hurtful. Yet, it is secretly afraid of judgement and that is what holds Virgo back from coming out with their own creative works. Rather than taking centre stage, Virgo is happy in the supporting role, or does the make up and helps others to shine (telling them afterwards how they could have done it better).
Virgo's excessive criticism can be crushing. Perfection is an ideal rather than a reality. It's what we may strive for, but never achieve, because in time there will always be someone who finds a way to improve even on the best of things. The ultimate is condemned to being the penultimate ad infinitum.
Magical Infusions
Mercury ~ Communication, understanding, divination, flexibility, direct energy in accordance with will.
Earth ~ Practicality, five senses, material world, sensuality, manifestation, prosperity, grounding.
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Star Child Virgo Space Aroma 5ml