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Crystal Bowl #53597 frosted Pink Ocean Practitioner

粉紅海洋黃金 – 柔軟和滋養的能量就像愛情的源泉,擁有永恆的智慧,優雅和治癒的力量。粉紅色海洋黃金跟我們的心靈溝通, 展現生命的勇氣和憐憫心。

#53597 /金屬:黃金 / 音調:A 第三隻眼 / 中八度音 / 平穩定心

Pink Ocean Gold - The soft and nurturing embrace of our love source, with the strength of ageless wisdom, grace and healing. Pink Ocean Gold sings of the power of the heart in accomplishing a life well lived through compassion and courage. 


Precious Metal: Gold

Item no: #53597

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Crystal Bowl #53597 frosted Pink Ocean Practitioner
