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Star Child Bergamot Essential Oil Organic 10ml / 25ml (有機佛手柑)

清淡花香的氣味讓佛手柑成為最受歡迎的精油之一,在柑橘類的精油中, 獨樹一幟的舒緩作用, 是神經緊張的最佳選擇. 
  • 有著清新的橘味, 味道非常好聞, 幾乎每個人都喜歡,
  • 和任何一種花 香精油混合都有非常好的效果: 1) 薰衣草和佛手柑, 2) 天竺葵和佛手柑, 3) 或這三種精油一起混合, 可說是氣味吸引人的組合.
  • 佛手柑精油有清新的特性, 強力治憂鬱的效果,
  • 能安撫憤怒, 焦慮, 沮喪, 緊張, 它可同時治療生理和心理症狀.
  • 可振奮精神, 並幫助放鬆.
Bergamot is one of the most popular essential oils as it has a light floral scent and it has unique soothing effect which many citrus essential oils do not have; is the best choice for nervousness.
  • It has a very good effect with any kind of floral essential oil:1) Lavender and bergamot, 2) geranium and bergamot or 3) these three essential oils can be mixed. It can make an attractive combination of smells
  • has fresh characteristics, strong healing effect,
  • can calm anger, anxiety, depression, tension, 
  • can treat both physical and psychological symptoms
  • it can rejuvenate and help to relax
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    Star Child Bergamot Essential Oil Organic 10ml / 25ml (有機佛手柑)
