Star Child Peppermint Essential Oil Organic 10ml
- 在芳香治療中,薄荷很常被視作有幫助消化的用途,可以治療作嘔的情況以及水土不服,
- 可以紓緩抽筋和腹絞痛的狀況,還有與PMT有關的癥狀,例如水腫、腹痛,可以疏通上氣管,解決黏膜炎、鼻竇炎、竇炎和支氣管炎的問題。
- 除此之外,薄荷也可以用來紓緩疼痛發炎的肌肉、風濕病、關節炎或疼痛的關節,還可以在曬傷後使用。
- 這精油可以喚醒人的頭腦,帶走疲倦和解決專注力不足的問題。這精油需要小心使用,才不會使人過於寒冷。
- 警告:懷孕頭四個月不建議使用
- 薄荷可以保持人的頭腦清醒,可以清除人的雜念,並幫人集中,從而幫助人們學習。
- 薄荷精油可以在保護和淨化的儀式中使用,
- 並帶走無理的恐懼,是一種很適合幫助人尋找方向和心靈淨化的精油。
Mints are sobering and clear headed herbs. They are even aloof. They are descended from a nymph called Mentha in the mythology, who had surrendered to Pluto's desires. His jealous wife Persephone (or according to some accounts, her mother Demeter), disgusted and enraged, stomped the poor nymph into the ground and punished her with infertility.
Peppermint, a hybrid between common Garden Mint and Watermint and is indeed sterile. Peppermint and has been used for food and medicine for millennia from China to Egypt. It is still commonly used in home remedy and provides flavouring for different products like chewing gum, chocolate and cigarettes, to name but a few.
Peppermint oil is keeping away creepy crawlies. Mice, rats, cockroaches and ants all hate the scent. A few drops on their pathways will surely deter them.
Traditional usage:
- Peppermint is mostly used as a digestive aid, to ally nausea and travel sickness, and to relieve cramps and colics in aromatherapy.
- It aids PMT related symptoms, such as bloating or abdominal pains.
- It can be used to decongest the upper respiratory tract and to clear stuffiness, catarrh and sinus headaches, sinusitis and bronchitis.
- It can also be used as a cooling oil for sore muscles, rheumatism, arthritis or painful joints.
- The cooling property is great for sunburn. It refreshes the mind and combats exhaustion and lack of concentration.
- This oil needs to be very carefully dosed lest one ends up shivering with cold.
- Caution: Not recommended during first 4 months of pregnancy.
Magical usage:
- Peppermint can be used to help keep one's 'cool'. It clears the mind and helps concentration for study and helps focussing.
- It can be used for protection and cleansing rituals.
- It clears the air of lingering emotions and cuts through irrational fears or attachments.
- It is a good oil for seeking direction and mental clarity.
A fresh, green, sweet, camphor-like, 'minty' scent. Blends well with - Basil, Cedar, Cypress, Eucalyptus, Marjoram, Pine, Rosemary, Thyme, Black Pepper, Fennel, Ginger, Lemon and Lemongrass.
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Star Child Peppermint Essential Oil Organic 10ml