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Gemstone Pendant by Kosas - Silver Collection


This collection is dedicated to enhance our path to search life wisdom, truth for our spiritual growth to live a better version of ourselves with cheerfulness!

心靈成長純銀吊墜系列: 此系列能幫助我們尋找人生智慧和真理,促進我們的身心靈成長,使自己生活得更快樂!

Garnet (Pyrope) pendant. Silver . Small

Pyrope, the so-called Bohemian Garnet from the Czech Republic. And a noble reddish orange color of Malaya.
origin : Czech Republic

good for chakra: 1,2,4

it is used for: cope with the extreme situation, survival, action, courage, mutual help, hope and trust, creative thought, grounding, feeling of security, physical stamina  

Garnet (Spessartite) pendant . Silver, medium

Garnet (Spessartite) pendant . Silver, Big

origin: Namibia

good for chakras: 1,2,4

it is used for: 

cope with the extreme situation, survival, action, courage, mutual help, hope and trust, creative thought, grounding, feeling of security, physical stamina  

Carnelian Silver Pendant 瑪瑙純銀吊墜

I AM cheerful, full of Creativity and Drive to invent & reinvent my life! 

  • this gemstone helps us to connect and increase the energies of cheerfulness, creativity, sexual energy(I.e. creativity, form ideas), friendship, interpersonal relationship, planning!
  • 這顆寶石可幫助我們連結及增加快樂的能量、提升創造力、性能量(即創造力、新意念)、促進友誼、改善人際關係,增加計劃能力!

Amazonite Silver Pendant 天河石純銀吊墜

I AM fully aligned with my Truth Self & Life Purpose!

  • this gemstone helps us to connect and increase the energies of being independent, courage, determination, exploration, to search for life purpose!
  • 這顆寶石有助連結及增加獨立思考、勇氣,決心、探索和尋求人生目標!

 Lapis Lazuli 青金石吊墜 

I AM Living Life with Wisdom!

  • this gemstone helps us to connect and increase the energies of concentration, academic & study ability, willingness, decisiveness, intuition, the truth, wisdom!
  •  這顆寶石有助連結及提升專注力、學習能力、尋找個人意願、決斷性、直覺、真理、智慧


Hawks Eye Silver Pendant 鷹眼石純銀吊墜

I AM started to See a Bigger Picture of my Life! I AM Inspired!

  • this gemstone helps us to see a bigger picture of our lives, to inspire us on spiritual growth, to helps concentration, and meditation!
  • 這顆寶石可以幫助我們看到更大的生命畫面、激發我們精神和心靈成長、增加專注力和進入冥想

 Agatized Coral 

  • Origin : Indonesia
  • Good for Chakra: 1 (Root Chakra)
  • Agatized Coral carries the energies of Bonding, physical stamina, grounding; due to its natural formation from coral fossil turning into stone without losing it organic form.
  • When you wear the agatized coral, you feel extra strength for both physical and mental to keep you going!


We always hear Jet-Black, as black as it can be  this refers to Jet - the Gemstone ! It’s black yet one of the most powerful metaphysical gemstone that can heal - Anxiety, panic attack, insecurity issues , keep you from negativity ! “ precious Gift from the wood”

有時會聽到人講jet-Black , 顏色黑到好似Jet 一, jet 其實這一種石-Jet 好幫到手,如果感到不安情緒,但不知驚什麼,Jet 可以安撫穩定情緒!帶住Jet可以令自己平靜,低頻同負能量自然都不會接近

    about the Artist:

    Handmade by Kako, the gemologist, the Stone Reader, the metalsmith, for profile of Kako Kosas Jewelry & workshop, please follow her Instagram

    Gemstone Pendant by Kosas - Silver Collection
